Airports nearest to St Andrews

Airports that serve St Andrews.

Edinburgh airport is the nearest International airport to St Andrews. It is 52 miles (84 Km) away (one hour drive by car approximately). Airport Information Service Telephone:- 0844 481 8989 OR Textphone:- 0844 741 7410

There is a frequent bus service between Edinburgh airport and Edinburgh Haymarket and Waverley rail stations - the Airport Bus.

Public Transport.

Rail is the speediest option, but neither the Edinburgh airport nor St Andrews is on the railway. Going to St Andrews by bus is the cheapest cost option.

The nearest railway stations are at Edinburgh Haymarket and Inverkeithing . Bus services run from the airport to each of these stations.

Once you reach Leuchars Railway Station, there is a frequent bus service to St Andrews.

Dundee airport is about 15 miles ( 25Km) from St Andrews,m roughly 25 mins by car. It has flights by 'Flybe' (tel: 0871 700 0535) to BelfastBirmingham, and by 'Cityjet' (Tel 0871 663 3777) to London City. Ramsay World Travel (0845 618 9774) who will organise your bookings and flight details to the Island of Jersey off the south of England near the French coast. 

Dundee airport by bus to or from st Andrews is via Dundee Seagate Bus Station. Taxi is always an option too. 

Glasgow airport is also a major international airport aproximately 74 miles (119 Km) away about 2 hours by car away from St Andrews. It is approximately eight miles west of Glasgow and every 15-20 minutes there is a shuttle bus operating between the airport and the city centre which stops at Queen Street Station where rail connections to St Andrews can be made.