Student Life

A St Andrews Student Record of life at the University.

St. Andrews University consistently scores highly in terms of student satisfaction with their overall university experience.

We asked recent graduate Myles Bax, to give us a brief record of life as a St Andrews University student, he explains why this is the case…

 "I had a fantastic time at University and I will remember my time at St. Andrews very fondly. University life at St. Andrews is quite unique in terms of the UK university experience given the size of St. Andrews. However, whilst many students worry on arrival that the town lacks the size of its city-based competitors, these worries are, in the vast majority of cases, soon replaced with a fierce loyalty for the town and its university. Indeed, the compact nature of St Andrews means that it is incredibly easy to meet a very large number of people in a very short period of time. Students don't have to worry about transports costs as there is no real need to catch a bus to lectures - everywhere can be reached easily by foot or bicycle. As such, there is a fantastic social side to life whilst studying in St. Andrews - it is so easy to go round to a friend's house for tea after an afternoon in the library, or meet up with a group to go and watch a film. Unlike in many larger places, where fitting things in to the day can be a real issue due to time lost in buses and trains, the St. Andrews way of life is very conducive to getting the most out of the student experience.

This explains why proportionally more St Andrews students are involved in a sporting club or society than any other university in the UK and why the percentage of those who vote in the St Andrews student elections is higher than anywhere else in the UK. Students in general can really get involved in student life and whether their passion is sport or politics (or both!) there is room to express yourself in extra-curricular fields. Furthermore, St. Andrews students love to celebrate sporting success over other larger universities and St Andrews consistently punches above its weight in the sporting arena.

On arrival students are also looked after very well, due to a number of traditions that continue to hold true. Freshers are adopted by 'Academic Parents' (3rd/4th year students) who are responsible for looking after them and celebrating 'Raisin Sunday', an important fixture in the University Calendar. Quirky traditions help to foster camaraderie - The annual 'May Dip', a superstition where exam success can only be achieved through jumping in to the North Sea at sunrise on May 1st, sees thousands of students shivering but smiling on the famous St. Andrews beaches at 5AM. Many outside the university may wonder why - students will reply because it's the St Andrews way.

Of course the academic side of life at the university is also exceptional. A four-year course allows two sub-honours years where students can study a broad array of subjects before specialising in third and fourth year. Personally speaking I felt that I was able to learn how to study in those initial years, allowing a real enjoyment of my subject to develop for my honours years - something that had not fully occurred during my school days.

In sum, if you would like to go to a university with fantastic tutors, a friendly and sociable town-life, sporting and extra-curricular opportunities and all set in a stunning location: The University of St. Andrews may well be for you."

If you would like to add your St Andrews University student record of life at the University to help prospective students contemplating going to St Andrews please a short write up with an image or two e-mail