The East Neuk of Fife or East Corner of Fife is the area to the south of St Andrews including all the coast villages of Elie, through to Anstruther and Crail.
The East Neuk villages are very distinct and unlike any others in Scotland, with Dutch style pantile roofs as a result of trade with Holland, when the pantiles were brought back as ballast. The villages’ origins were to do with fishing and you very much get that special feel as you walk through the narrow ally ways and explore the nooks and crannies. It reminds be a bit of the Cornish fishing villages but in a different way.
The East Neuk of Fife is really a must on anyones trip to St Andrews.

The largest East Neuk town, with a busy harbour full of commercial and pleasure vessels. Popular with visitors all year round enjoying the harbour. To find out more, click READ MORE
Address:Anstruther, East Fife By St Andrews KY10
Crail, meaning 'corner town', is the oldest of the East Neuk burghs, granted Royal Burgh status in 1310. It was the gateway to European riches.. To find out more, click READ MORE
Address:Crail, East Neuk of Fife Near St Andrews KY10 3TL
Few Scottish towns have so well preserved their ancient character, with numerous winding streets and alleys, developed over several centuries. To find out more, click READ MORE
Address:Pittenweem, East Neuk, Fife KY10 2LA